We frequently speak to leaders about developer experience. There’s a lot of confusion about what it is and how to improve it.

“Developer experience” is such a misnomer. At first glance, you might think that it’s about assuaging developers’ feelings or having the best tools. You’d be wrong. Many of us think we know what developer experience is, but very few get it right.

Developer experience is about enabling developers to get work done as efficiently as possible. Some organizations view developer experience as a distraction or competing interest to efficiency. But they’ve got it backwards. Developer experience is precisely the thing preventing them from innovating as fast as they wish.

If we fail at developer experience, innovation slows. If innovation slows, our entire business fails. We’ve helped hundreds of companies unlock their DevEx and boost innovation, creativity, and productivity. Now we’re putting it all into a book so everyone can put what we’ve learned into practice.

Stay tuned.
Nicole Forsgren & Abi Noda

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